
leader performance partner career path resilience role canvas Jul 14, 2023
resilience opening up after a setback

Challenges change us. We cope, but feel the edge of failure. It's only after, in failure or success, but alive, that we can see how our resilience works.

We need to draw breath and reflect. Reflection is when something new emerges to sight, the thing that our resilience ignited. Something that endures.

Even as the next challenge rushes at us, it's good to ask:

  • In what ways am I more robust, where I thought I was frail?
  • What uncertainty can I tolerate, where I was afraid?
  • How am I now more flexible in relating, thinking and acting, where I was rigid?
  • What new questions can I now ask, that open up my life rather than constrict it for safety?

In the answers lies new wisdom, self-compassion and perhaps a new energy for your career. 

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