
meditation professional stamina recover resilience self-care Jun 30, 2023

The load is great and there is no one with whom to share it. You lead and care for others and can't abandon them.

This when self-care is a survival issue, not a feel-good issue.

Self-care needs only moments but those moments are slow and quiet, so they look like doing nothing and feel self-indulgent. The moments get lost, if never taken. Yet they can build professional stamina. 

Yet self-care moments do amount to something important. They are Recovery. They are the astute, skilled processes of gaining energy for living. In high stress times our reflex is to do more, when our strategy needs to be to do nothing - but wisely, in a well-designed way.

What does self-care mean for you? What can you do in this moment that you know will refresh you, energise you and light up your enthusiasm for life?

Do it.


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